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Paper Abstract




Chafe, D. & Mongrain, M. (2024). Self-kindness and Self-Criticism as Unique and Common Predictors of Subjective Well-being Following Positive Psychology Interventions. Journal of Psychiatry and Cognitive Behaviour, 7: 170.


Mongrain, M., Kirby, J. & Keltner, D. (2024). Editorial: Community Series: Expanding the Science of Compassion Volume 11. Frontiers in Psychology, Emotion Science, Volume 14.


Forsythe, J., & Mongrain, M. (2023). The existential nihilism scale (ENS): Theory, development, and psychometric evaluation. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45(3), 865-883.


Mongrain, M., & Shoikhedbrod, A. (2021). When depression breeds rejection rather than compassion: Disagreeableness, stigma, and lack of empathic concern among support providers. Front. Psychiatry 12:594229. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.594229


Mongrain, M., Keltner, D., & Kirby, J. (2021). Editorial: Expanding the Science of Compassion. Front. Psychol. 12:745799. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745799


Barnes, C., & Mongrain, M. (2020). A three-factor model of personality predicts changes in depression and subjective well-being following positive psychology interventions. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(4), 556-568.


Chen, S. K., & Mongrain, M. (2020). Awe and the Interconnected Self. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-9.


Mongrain, M., Barnes, C., Barnhart, R., & Zalan, L. B. (2018). Acts of Kindness Reduce Depression in Individuals Low on Agreeableness. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 323.


Azam, M.A., Mongrain, M., Vora, K. Pirbaglou, M., Azargive, S., Changoor, T., Wayne, N., Guglietti, C., Macpherson, A., Irvine, J., Rotondi, M., Smith, D., Perez, D., & Ritvo, P. (2016). Mindfulness as an alternative for supporting university student mental health: A study of cognitive-emotional and depressive self-criticism measures. International Journal of Educational Psychology.


Mongrain, M., Komeylian, Z., & Barnhart, R. (2016). Happiness vs. mindfulness exercises for individuals vulnerable to depression. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(4), 366-377.


Sergeant, S., & Mongrain, M. (2015). Online Positive Psychology Exercises: Distressed Users Are More Likely to Benefit than Non-distressed Users. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 56, 322-331.


Sergeant, S., & Mongrain, M. (2014). An Online Optimism Intervention Reduces Depression in Pessimistic Individuals. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.


Ritvo, P., Vora, K., Irvine, J., Mongrain, M., Azargive, S., Azam, M. A., Pirboglou, M., Guglietti, C., Wayne, N., Cribbie, R., & Perez, D. (2013). Reductions in negative automatic thoughts in students attending mindfulness tutorials predicts increased life satisfaction. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(3).


Young, R., Struthers, C.W., Khoury, C., Muscat, S., Phills, C., & Mongrain, M. (2013). Forgiveness and revenge: The conflicting needs of dependents and self-critics in relationships. Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology, 32(10), 1099-1119.


Kopala-Sibley, D.C., Mongrain, M., & Zuroff, D. C. (2013). A lifespan perspective on Dependency and Self-Criticsm: Age trends from 18 to 59. Journal of Adult Development, 20(1).


Mongrain, M., & Anselmo- Matthews, T. (2012). Do positive psychology exercises work? A replication of Seligman et al. (2005). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 382-389.



Mongrain, M. (2023). Compassion, happiness and self-esteem. In Michalos, A. C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (2nd Edition). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.


Mongrain, M. & Shoikhedbrod, A. (2019). On the benefits of compassionate action: Who has the most to gain? In L. Galiana, L. and N. Sanso (Eds.) The Power of Compassion, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York.


Mongrain, M. (2014). Compassion, happiness and self-esteem. In Michalos, A. C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands:  pp 1129-1133.


Mongrain, M. (2010). Dependency. In I. Weiner & E. Craighead (Eds.). Corsini’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, 4th Edition. John Wiley and Sons.


Zuroff, D. C., Santor, D. A., & Mongrain, M. (2005).  Dependency, self-criticism, and maladjustment.  In J. S. Auerbach, K. J. Levy, and C. E. Schaffer (Eds.), Relatedness, self-definition and mental representation: Essays in honor of Sidney J. Blatt. Brunner-Routledge: London.

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